domingo, 26 de octubre de 2008

The power of love....

(Snapping at this point.....Craaazy..... But altogether a really nice video.... Enjoy)

In order to continue the psycological review of myself (you know, after the last entry...) I decided to write this few ideas to explain something that happened to me today.

You know those little habits that get you down or make you snap? Well, normally it's nothing more than that. You just get a little upset with these things and that's pretty much it. You might frown or even growl a bit, but you move on. But, what happens when those things that upset you the most happen at the wrong time (specially when you are feeling down, stressed out, sad, or simply tired...) or with the person that's innocently crossing the line of fire? Now this is when it gets interesting.

As humans, we do tend to snap when we are under stress. Very few people remain cold headed and objetive, and even so, it's actually just a matter of how much pressure you apply before even these rare unbreakable individuals snap like the rest of us mortals. The problem is that when you loose it, you hurt people, and you actually dont care at the moment but afterwards, the only thing you can do is regret your bad temper. Of course, it's easier to blaim stress than to accept that you really f*******ed up. This is how you loose people around you and most of the time it leaves great scars in everyone involved, sometimes, scars too big to forget.

Everybody says that it's all about picking your fights (if you are into fighting), But for a girl like me (that actually loves a good fight once in a while) its more about self control. Specially since I know perfectly well what kind of undestructible armor I wear on those sporadic events, and how much damage I can do without that much of an effort. Very cute, but just as deadly....

I usually don't have to worry much about controlling myself from fighting because I am a really calmed and patient girl, but I am also human (even though sometimes its hard to notice... jajajajaja) and I snap like everybody else. Specially in times like these, when I am so exhausted, stressed out, and bottom line, edgy.

Today I was particularly feeling a little bit down because of an argument I had with my cute cute boyfriend (about something he was actually right of demanding from me), but since I knew it was my fault, I was not feeling my best. The snapping came later actually, when his laptop battery died. I totally understood that but I thought he was going to plug it back and continue talking with me. And apparently for me, he did, because I saw him online again. I was inviting him to keep on sharing videos, like we always do, and suddenly he logged out and went offline, without saying a word. I thought it was weird but I thought he was still upset with me.... So I thought that he was ignoring me and not talking to me.

That right there made me snap. I HATE people walking away from me when I am talking and I felt this was pretty much the same deal. After a while, I finally decided to call him and snap that cute little neck of his like a twig (figurately speaking of course...) I was determined to do it until I heard his soft voice......Suddenly, my rage faded away and I froze cold on the phone. Not because of my so called self control, but because I remembered how much I loved him. I asked him anyway if he had done it on purpose, but I was calm, objetive, not upset at all and I couldn't care less for the answer (he even said he didn't do it.... Which I believe, by the way...).

This incident made me realize how much I really love this guy.... With anyone else I would have been relentless (trust me I've done it before....), but I've changed a lot since I am with him and I love him because he makes me be exactly the person I want to be. One by one, he's erasing my personality flaws (common admit it.... We all have one or two things we want to get rid of...) even if he doesn't realize it.
TE AMO!!!!

3 comentarios:

Byron Ronquillo Narváez dijo...

Si en español eres un encanto para mi, en inglés eres francamente "Irresistible".

No sé sí hago que seas exactamente la persona que quieres ser, de hecho estoy seguro que a veces logro sacarte de tus casillas... (snap that cute little neck of his like a twig) tengo pruebas¡

Sin embargo quieres que te cuente un secreto? :)

pd: De lo que supuestamente me acusanas en un principio solo pienso decir: No es mi estilo¡¡¡ y mal genio y todo pero mantengo siempre mi Estilo.


Liankat dijo...

De hecho, yo sé que ese no es tu estilo y por eso me encantas cada vez más. Esto fue lo que generalmente se conoce como ahogarse en un vaso de agua....

TE AMO!!!!!

Byron Ronquillo Narváez dijo...

GLUP GLUP GLUP... sé lo que es ahogarse en un vaso de agua.. de hecho ese sì es mi estilo...

Beso mi amor